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Accessible Workspaces Checklist

  • Accessible entrances: Ensure ramps, wide doorways, and automatic doors are available for wheelchair users.
  • Elevators: Provide elevators with braille buttons and audio announcements for easy access to different floors.
  • Accessible restrooms: Offer wheelchair-accessible restrooms with grab bars and appropriate signage.
  • Clear paths: Keep walkways and corridors clear of obstructions and wide enough for wheelchair users.
  • Signage: Use large, high-contrast fonts, tactile surfaces, and braille for signs throughout the workplace.
  • Lighting: Ensure well-lit spaces with adjustable lighting to accommodate individuals experiencing vision impairments or light sensitivities.
  • Ergonomic furniture: Provide adjustable chairs, desks, and workstations to accommodate various physical needs.
  • Assistive technology: Offer screen readers, magnification software, and other assistive devices to support employees experiencing disabilities.
  • Flexible work arrangements: Allow for remote work, flexible hours, or modified job duties when needed.
  • Emergency preparedness: Implement evacuation plans that consider the needs of employees experiencing disabilities, including accessible exits and designated safe areas.
  • Inclusive communication: Encourage the use of plain language and provide information in multiple formats (e.g., digital, print, large print, braille, or audio).
  • Sensitivity training: Conduct regular training sessions to raise awareness about accessibility and promote an inclusive workplace culture
  • Feedback mechanisms: Establish channels for employees to provide feedback on accessibility issues and suggest improvements.

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