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Big Ideas in IDEA

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Big Ideas in IDEA | Newsletter Archive

Explore previous editions of our inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility monthly publication.

June 2024: Final Edition


Honouring Indigenous History Month

Celebrating Pride Month

A New Chapter with Diversio

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May 2024


Navigating the Anti-Woke Movement

Embracing Duality: Navigating the Complexities of Leadership

Asian Heritage Month

In Case You Missed It

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April 2024


The Hidden Labour Potential of Immigrant Women: Practical Steps to Engage Them Better

The Impact of DEI on Innovation

International Day of Pink

In Case You Missed It

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March 2024


Towards Fairness: The Rise of Wage Transparency in Canada

The State of Hate

Celebrating International Women's Day

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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February 2024


Embracing Allyship in the Workplace

Gender-inclusive and Gender-neutral Language in the Workplace

Celebrating Black History Month

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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January 2024


The Importance of Identifying 2024 IDEA Goals

Taking the Lead: Self-Directed DEI Learning for Individuals in the New Year

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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December 2023


From Questions to Understanding: Celebrating 2SLGBTQI+ Communities

Diversity and Inclusion Training for Individuals: Fostering Understanding and Empathy

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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November 2023


The Value Add of IDEA Learning for Individuals

Navigating the Past: The History of Race and Colonialism in Canada

Inclusive Hiring Practices: Attracting and Retaining Diverse Talent

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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October 2023


National Coming Out Day: A Bigger Project This Year

Unseen Struggles: Invisible Disabilities in the Canadian Workplace

Fostering Intergenerational Inclusion in the Workplace: Bridging the Generation Gap

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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September 2023


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: September 30th

Unmasking Gender Inequality in Canada's Workplaces

Unveiling the Layers: Factors Impacting Gender Inequity Beyond the Workplace

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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August 2023


“The Journey Continues” – Let’s Continue to Learn and Grow. What to Expect from Indigenous Inclusion 2.0 & 3.0

Beyond IDEA Awareness: Unlocking the Power of Continuous DEI Learning for a Better Canada and Inclusive Workplaces

Data-Driven Inclusion: Webinar Insights for Transformative Change

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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July 2023


Navigating the Nuances of Canada Day: Challenges for Canadian Employers

Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives Often Fall Short

Inclusive Excellence: Empowering Small Organizations Through Diversity and Inclusion Handbooks

Big Ideas in IDEA Monthly Poll

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June 2023


What is National Indigenous History Month?

Celebrating Pride Season in the Workplace

Pride Month for Transgender Community

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May 2023


What is Asian Heritage Month?

How Can an Employer Recognize Asian Heritage Month?

Celebrating Jewish Heritage Month in the Canadian Workplace

How Can an Employer Recognize Jewish Heritage Month?

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April 2023


What is World Autism Month?

What is Inclusive Communication? 10 Examples to Practice.

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March 2023


5 Ways to Promote Workplace Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility

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February 2023


Inclusive Leadership | Should you Bother?

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January 2023


Why DEI Still Matters in 2023

Defining Accessibility and Digital Inclusion in the Workplace

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December 2022


Measurement in IDEA: 7 Reasons Why Measurement Matters

Measurement in IDEA: 5 considerations for your organization's IDEA strategy

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November 2022


Supporting the Coming Out Process at Work

International Stuttering Awareness Day: 5 Tips to Support Your Colleagues Who Stutter

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October 2022


Assessing Your Feelings of Psychological Safety at Work

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: A Time to Reflect, A Time to Learn

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September 2022


Creating Psychological Safety at Work (Part 1)

What To Do When the News Is Bad

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August 2022


Measuring Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

Developing a Metric-Based Attitude Towards D&I | 5 Tips to Get Your Organization Ready

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July 2022


8 Adult Learning Principles for DEI Training

DEI Training - 5 Tips to Maximize Your Efforts

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June 2022


Indigenous Terminology In Canada – A Quick Guide

Gender Pronouns And How To Use Them In The Workplace

Allyship: An Action Word

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May 2022


May 25, 2020 - 2nd Anniversary Survey

Employee Resource Groups: What Works, and What Doesn’t

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April 2022


Autism Acceptance Month

Microaggressions 101

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March 2022


Working Women, Covid-19, and IDEA

Celebrating Baisakhi

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February 2022


Corporate DEI Training: Failure and Opportunity

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February 2022 - Special Edition


The difference between being anti-racist, non-racist, and an ally

February and Forever: 3 Tips to Keep the Conversation on Black History Going All Year Long

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January 2022


6 Tips for Digital Inclusion

Making the Case for Religious Literacy

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