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Katryna Chan

Pronouns: Katryna, Kat, K 

IDEA Consultant, Consulting 

Chan, Katryna

Katryna (Kat or K) Chan joined CCDI Consulting as an IDEA Consultant, Consulting with over nine years of expertise supporting human resource functions for a provincewide health agency. After completing a Bachelor of Communications & Culture and a Professional Human Resource Management Certificate from the University of Calgary, Kat’s career has been dedicated to guiding best practices in diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility at all stages of the employee lifecycle. 

K is proud to have the personal and professional experience of living intersectionally within multilingual, multicultural, and marginalized communities and social groups. Katryna sees life through the lens of a biracial person living with an invisible disability; and uses those invisible superpowers to increase accessibility to employment, resources, and supports for those who are systemically disabled by the status quo. 

Kat is a maker of all things. K sews, woodworks, welds, 3D prints, creates designs, and laser cuts. Katryna knows that there is nothing in the world that can’t be fixed with the right amount of time, effort, and elbow grease – and is happy to be the person doing it. 

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